Purusattma ekadashi brata Katha.

Purusattama Ekadashi, also known as Kamika Ekadashi, revolves around a conversation between Lord Krishna and Yudhishthira, one of the Pandava brothers. Yudhishthira seeks knowledge about the significance of this particular Ekadashi, and Krishna narrates the following story:

Once, there was a kingdom named Ratnapur, ruled by King Vaikhanasa. His daughter was Vajravalli, who was devoted to Lord Vishnu. Vajravalli fell in love with a handsome Gandharva musician named Dhananjaya. They got married without the king's consent. Angered by this, the king cursed them to become a male-female pair of demoniacal creatures who were condemned to stay in a dense forest.

Years later, they came across the ashram of a sage named Medhavi, who recognized them and advised them to observe the Purusattama Ekadashi fast to seek redemption. Following the sage's instructions, they observed the fast with devotion and sincerity. As a result, they were transformed back into their original forms.

Lord Krishna tells Yudhishthira that by observing this Ekadashi fast and performing rituals, one can gain divine blessings, attain forgiveness for past sins, and ultimately reach Lord Vishnu's abode.

In summary, the Maa Purusattama Ekadashi Brata Katha is a tale that emphasizes the power of devotion, the significance of observing this Ekadashi fast, and the redemption it can bring to those who follow it with sincerity.


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