Sabari's Devotion in Ramayan.

Sabari is a character from the Indian epic, Ramayana. She was a devout and humble woman who lived in the forest and awaited the arrival of Lord Rama. When Rama, along with his brother Lakshmana, reached her ashram during their exile, Sabari was overjoyed and offered them hospitality. She had a deep devotion to Rama and wanted to ensure that the food she offered was perfect.

Before presenting the fruits to Rama, Sabari tasted them to ensure they were sweet and ripe. She did this out of her pure heart's intention to offer only the best to the Lord. When questioned by Rama about why she had tasted the fruits, she explained her action as a way of removing any sour or unripe ones so that only the best reached him.

Rama, recognizing her devotion and purity, was pleased with Sabari's actions. He praised her for her sincerity and dedication. As a result of her unwavering faith, Rama accepted the fruits that Sabari had tasted. Sabari's devotion and her act of tasting the fruits before offering them became symbolic of her pure intentions and unconditional love for Lord Rama.

The story of Sabari is often cited to highlight the importance of devotion, sincerity, and the purity of heart in spiritual practice. It teaches that the intent behind an action matters more than the action itself.


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