Why Garuda Purana read after death ?

The Garuda Purana is a Hindu scripture that discusses various aspects of life, death, and the afterlife. It elaborates on what happens to the soul after death and provides descriptions of different realms or planes that a soul might traverse based on their actions in life, known as karma. It outlines the process of death, including rituals, cremation, and the journey of the soul through different stages.

The text describes punishments and rewards in the afterlife based on one's deeds, thoughts, and intentions. It explains the concepts of heaven (Swarga), hell (Narak), and reincarnation (rebirth). The Garuda Purana emphasizes the importance of dharma (righteousness) and adherence to ethical principles to attain a positive afterlife.

Keep in mind that interpretations of religious texts can vary, and beliefs about the afterlife differ across different cultures and sects within Hinduism.


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